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I spent hours with MS word for reformatting. Examples 3, 4 and 37 and 57 are comparative examples for polymerizations in the absence of emulsifier, wherein the proportion of vinyl acetate monomer present, the proportion of polyvinyl alcohol and for Example 37, the degree of polymerization of the polyvinyl alcohol, by using the polyvinyl alcohol B, were varied. The first edition of the event, which is hoped will become a regular occurrence, took place on July 1, , as a satellite event to the annual meeting of the Swiss Physical Society at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Zur Verbesserung der mechanischen Festigkeit bei hohen Temperaturen wird der Einsatz von Vernetzern empfohlen. Preference is also given to mixtures of a nonionic ethoxylated isotridecyl alcohol having 2 to 60 EO units and an ethoxylated, linear nonionic emulsifier.